Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

وقت القصة
In Arabic
Join us for storytime at Qatar National Library. We will read stories and make up our own together.
مونديال قطر 2022™ والثقافة القطرية: كرة القدم والفن والتوثيق الرياضي
In Arabic and English
As part of Qatar Sport Day, this panel discussion aims to introduce the golden age of Qatari football through the football pioneers and their achievements, as well as shed light on the Qatari artists and authors who documented the national identity through their works that made the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ one of the best of all time.
معرض: الخيول العربية في المجموعة التراثية بمكتبة قطر الوطنية
In Arabic and English
Horses have always occupied a prominent place in the culture of the Arabs, and this interest increased after the advent of Islam, as horses were mentioned several times in the Noble Qur'an and hadiths.
سلسلة فلذات أكبادنا: تعزيز نمو الطفل عن طريق اللعب
In Arabic
Join us in the "Our Children Matter" series of lectures that focus on topics in the field of childhood, education, and children's health.
نادي الشطرنج
In Arabic and English
Did you know that chess improves memory and problem-solving skills, and raises IQ? It is a wonderful way to improve focus and flex those creative muscles and, most importantly, kids have fun playing the game.
أجهزة التكنولوجيا المساعدة والمصادر الإلكترونية لمن لديهم عسر القراءة
In English
A training program to demonstrate assistive technology devices for dyslexic readers and orienting online resources with dyslexic-friendly fonts.
الراوي الصغير
In Arabic
Does your child enjoy reading to others? Do they enjoy retelling events in dramatic voices and making expressions with their faces?
حلقة الكتابة الإبداعية باللغة الإنجليزية للكبار
In English
The Creative Writing Circle for Adults is an opportunity for creative writers to come together and share their work. The group provides inspiration, feedback and encouragement in a supportive environment. So whatever stage you’re at, come along and get writing!
وقت القصة
In Arabic
Join us for storytime at Qatar National Library. We will read stories and make up our own together.
وقت الحكاية للأطفال الصغار
In English
Spend a fun-filled time reading, playing and doing activities with your little ones.