Professor Hassan Awad Al Sereihy

Professor Hassan Awad Al Sereihy is a professor of information science at King Abdulaziz University and the elected president of the Special library Association/Arabian Gulf Chapter, and served as president of the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information (AFLI) for three terms until 2022.

Professor Al SereihyHe worked as head of the Department of Information Science and Deputy Dean of Library Affairs at King Abdulaziz University. The first Secretary General of The King Abdulaziz Complex for Endowment Libraries, Al Sereihy has published more than 60 research papers and 12 books, and supervised more than 30 PhD dissertations and dozens of MA theses and projects.

Serving as Editor in Chief of two research journals, Professor Al Sereihy is co-editor in six research journals, participating in dozens of specialized and general committees and as a consultant in knowledge management.

Professor Al Sereihy received Distinguished Achievement Award from School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA (November 2013), "Naseej Library Pioneers Award" at the 25th Conference of the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information (Tunisia, 2014), and Award for “Best Research Paper” at the Seventh Conference of the Special Library Association.