Renowned Palestinian historian, Suhad Kulaibo, yesterday delivered an insightful lecture at Qatar National Library, which highlighted the history of the ancient city of Jerusalem.
The lecture offered a panoramic historical overview of the emergence of the city, and its foundation over 7,000 years ago by tribes migrating from the Arabian Peninsula.
“Libraries are very important because they provide access to books and raise awareness about important historical causes,” said Suhad. “I am very proud and thankful to Qatar National Library for inviting me to have this lecture here. Currently this Library is the best place for everyone to deliver lectures and have their thoughts listened to. I am proud to see that Qatar has built the best library in the Arab world.”
Mohammed Shaaban, an attendee at the lecture, said: “It was a really informative lecture and the author shared interesting information about the history of Jerusalem. It is always refreshing to gain new information about the region and especially this city. I often attend events here at the Library and have borrowed several books about the history of the region.”