Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

تنظيم اقتباساتك المرجعية باستخدام Zotero
In Arabic
In this workshop, our librarian will guide you through how to organize your resources using Zotero. Zotero is a tool that will help you collect, manage and cite your references. Using Zotero, you can attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations. It will also organize your resources into collections for different projects and create bibliographies. You'll learn all that and more in this program.
هل أنت عضو جديد في المكتبة؟
In English
Are you a new Library member or just haven’t visited us in a while? Join us for an introductory session about Library membership. You’ll hear about your benefits and responsibilities as a member, get information about our borrowing policies and how to use our self-checkout stations, and learn how to find books and other resources in our collections. Sign up and start getting the most out of your membership! The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
وقت القصة عبر الإنترنت
In Arabic
Join us for Storytime every Monday. We will read stories and make up our own together. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
نادي البرمجة لليافعين
In Arabic
Programming is now at the center of the digital era we live in, and it's needed in many different jobs. If you are 12 to 18 years old and you enjoy programming, join our Coding Club and challenge yourself to learn the basics.
برنامج سكامبر لتعليم التفكير الإبداعي
In Arabic
The Scamper technique is one of the most successful methods of creative thinking, providing seven different approaches to problem-solving. Join us to learn about this simple but effective approach that you can apply in your academic and personal lives.
نادي الأفلام لليافعين
In English
Ever wondered how movies look from the other side of the camera? Join our Young Adults Film Club and learn how to watch movies from a filmmaker’s perspective.
الدعم عن بُعد لواجبات العلوم والرياضيات
In English
Having trouble with your math or science homework? We are happy to continue to help! The support will be provided online via Microsoft Teams. 
حلقة الحياكة والكروشيه الأسبوعية عن بُعد
In Arabic and English
Join our Virtual Knitting and Crochet Meetup to share experiences, information and more. Show us what you’re working on every Thursday in January from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Everyone is welcome, including beginners and those who want to learn. Grab your yarn and needles and let’s chat! The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
محاضرة تثقيفية عن التنمر للبنين
In Arabic
Have you ever faced problems and difficulties because of bullying? Do you know the causes and consequences of bullying? Would  you like to teach your children and students about bullying? We invite uou, your children and your students to join us in this interactive educational lecture provided by the Legal Awareness unit in the Legal and Judicial Studies Center in the Ministry of Justice to learn about the concept of bullying and its causes and consequences. This lecture is for boys ages 9 to 11 and their parents and teachers.
تدريب على المصادر الإلكترونية بالمكتبة لطلاب المدارس الإعدادية والثانوية
In Arabic
Join us to discover and explore the Library's various online resources for middle school and high school students, including research tools, ebooks, audiobooks and periodicals. The workshop will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.