Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

سلسلة الورش البحثية: النزاهة الأكاديمية والانتحال الأكاديمي
In Arabic
In this workshop we will discuss the concept of academic integrity, its standards and its importance in academic research. In addition, the session will introduce students to plagiarism and provide them with useful techniques on how it can be avoided. 
لنتحدث العربية! (للمبتدئين)
In Arabic
Are you interested in learning the basics of the Arabic language? We invite you to this workshop which will teach the basics of Arabic to non-native speakers in a number of intensive classes. The workshop is organized by Qatar National Library in cooperation with the Tomouh Initiative, which targets beginner learners of the language.
التلوين بالرمال الملونة
In Arabic and English
In this creativity-filled event, children will use colored sand to produce beautiful, gradient pieces of art. It's a great opportunity for children to explore their creativity in a fun atmosphere
سلسلة جلسات أنا وطفلي: 40 أسبوع من التغذية، خريطتك الكاملة لحمل صحّي
In Arabic
Join us for the "Mommy to Be" speaker series, featuring a variety of informative sessions led by experts and specialists.For this session, we are pleased to welcome Maha Hommos, a medical nutrition specialist with a focus on the nutritional needs of pregnant women and the management of gestational diabetes.She is the founder of Maha's Clinic and also the creator of the Maha's Clinic website. This platform is dedicated to providing guidance and support for women before, during, and after pregnancy, bringing together experts from fields related to pregnancy and childbirth.Our "Mommy to Be" sessions address essential topics in the realms of motherhood, childhood, and the well-being of both young children and mothers.
وقت القصة للأطفال
In Arabic
Join us for storytime at Qatar National Library. We will read stories and make up our own together.
وقت الحكاية للأطفال الصغار
In English
Spend a fun-filled time reading, playing and doing activities with your little ones.
سلسلة الورش البحثية: إدارة الاستشهادات المرجعية باستخدام زوتيرو
In Arabic
In this workshop, our librarian will guide you through how to organize your resources using Zotero.
مقدمة عن مهارات الكتابة في اختبار IELTS
In English
Join this session for an overview of the IELTS exam, delivered by a representative of the British Council Qatar.
سلسلة الورش البحثية: أساسيات كتابة مقترح بحثي
In English
In this interactive session, we will explore the essential rules in writing a research proposal. You will learn how to turn a topic into a research question and be introduced to the "golden threads" method of writing a scientific research paper.
الراوي الصغير
In Arabic
Does your child enjoy reading to others? Do they enjoy retelling events in dramatic voices and making expressions with their faces?