Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

جلسات الاستشارة حول الكتابة الأكاديمية باللغة العربية
In Arabic
If you are writing a research paper in Arabic, QNL has organized a​​ series of academic Arabic writing consultations to help you. Join these consultations to hone your academic Arabic writing skills and learn some important insights that could be helpful in your research journey.
مجموعة وثائق وأرشيف المكتبة التراثية: من مسار التكوّن إلى أفق البحث والدراسة
In Arabic and English
This is an introductory lecture that comes within the framework of a series of seminars on the archival and document collections preserved in the Heritage Library at Qatar National Library.
تعريف الوعي الإعلامي وأهميته
In English
The digital age has made it easy for everyone to create media. We always don’t always know who created something, why they created it and if it’s credible. This makes it difficult to learn and teach media literacy. Nonetheless, media literacy is an essential skill in today’s digital age. Join our program to learn the basics of media literacy and its importance.
دور الأفلام الوثائقية في مكافحة الأخبار الكاذبة
In English
Disinformation and misinformation have become so common in the media today; moreover fake news has become more common with the increased use of social media. Unlike mass media, documentaries uncover what lies behind the "coverage".
الفن الرياضي! اصنع قبعتك الخاصة للتشجيع في مباريات كأس العالم FIFA قطر 2022™
In Arabic
In this workshop, the Library is hosting the Qatari artist Ms Fatima Al Nuaimi to work with participants on creating their own football fan's hat with the theme of the Qatar World Cup 2022™.
وقت القصة
In Arabic
Join us for Storytime at Qatar National Library. We will read stories and make up our own together.
اكتشف ما نوفّره لك! جلسة تعريفية حول مزايا عضوية المكتبة
In English
Are you a new Library member or just haven’t visited us in a while?
الموال والدبكة الفلسطينية
In Arabic
The Palestinian dabkeh is considered one of the most important traditional dances in Palestine. Join us to learn about the dabkeh and also the Palestinian mawal (an Arabic genre of music).
سلسلة محاضرات علم المخطوطات: الباليوجرافيا وخطوط المخطوطات العربية
In Arabic, with English Interpretation
What is codicology and manuscript studies? Which subjects are most studied in the field? What are the latest developments in studying Islamic manuscript culture? What are the current resources and research literature?
فجوات الإعلام والمعلومات: عوائق دون الوصول للمعلومات وتكنولوجيا الاتصال الإعلامي
In English
A discussion about the gaps that people with disabilities might have in their knowledge about media literacy and communications technology. The speakers will be Khoulod Abu Sharida, a blind scriptwriter from Al Jazeera Children’s Network, and a representative from Qatar Social and Cultural Center. Both speakers will discuss how to bridge any gaps in people's knowledge.