Publishing Fund


The Library may cover article processing charges (APCs) for journals that are not included in our publishing agreements.

Kindly note that the Library has several agreements with publishers to cover APCs. Please visit this page to find out more about the agreements before submitting an application.

To apply for funding, please review the open access funding criteria and fill in the online application form; both the first author and the corresponding author must be affiliated with a Qatari institution. The payment process is managed directly by the Library with the publisher.

We are piloting a new process of pre-booking, in which authors can receive confirmation for funding before their article has been accepted by the publisher. To qualify for this, please select the “Pre-booking” option on the application form or contact us at [email protected] for more details.

                                      Funding Criteria                                Funding Process                                Application Form                

  • Important tipAlways check whether a publisher/journal is reputable before submission. Be alert and protect yourself from being scammed by dubious publishers/providers that charge article-processing charges without offering appropriate publishing services, such as quality assurance or copy editing, in return. We recommend you visit think∙check∙submit for guidance.
  • A list of fully open access journals can be found in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).