Below is a list of databases of articles, books, ebooks and more related to social sciences. For a comprehensive list of QNL databases, take a look at the Online Resources.
Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition
This online version of the standard encyclopedia includes an Arabic translation tool, full-text journal and magazine articles, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
Sociology Collection
This database provides access to more than 300 full-text journals in sociology and social work, including sociological abstracts and social services abstracts.
Entrepreneurship Database (ProQuest)
This database delivers vital entrepreneurial information, such as video clips, business plans, market research, start-up plans and templates, journal and magazine contents, business cases, working papers, conference proceedings, full-text dissertations, blogs, and company profiles.
The JSTOR archive includes more than 1,500 leading academic journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences. The entire archive of journals (from volume 1, issue 1) is provided, with an embargo for the most recent three years.