Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

LinkedIn: Creating a Professional Business Profile
In English
In this session, you'll learn how to create an effective and informative profile on LinkedIn, one of the most popular platforms for professional networking.
Tips for Young Travelers
In English
We invite you to this event where world traveler Khaled Al Ammari, author of "The Art of Travel" book, will share his advice from more than 20 years of adventures. Discover the most important tips before and during your travel and the best apps to help you get the information you need for your upcoming trips.
Stretching Hero
In English
Stretch those muscles as high as a tree, and spread your arms as wide as an eagle soaring the sky! We welcome children ages 6 to 10 to join us for this series of friendly stretching sessions with certified instructor Parul Kochak.
Q-Cosplay Workshop for Young Adults
In English
Learn the origin of cosplaying, the art of portraying a character using costumes and props. You'll learn how you can use a variety of materials to represent your favorite characters from movies, video games, graphic novels and television.
Dive Into Frequencies and Rediscover the Universe
In English
In this lecture, Abdelhameed Gamal, Senior ELV/ICT Engineer, will take us on a journey through the frequencies that constitute everything around to us to show new perspectives on our daily lives and the world around us.
Readers and Opinions Book Club: The Holy Sail
In English
Join us for this month’s Readers and Opinions Book Club meeting, where we will discuss the Arabic version of The Holy Sail, by Abdul Aziz Al Mahmoud. The novel tells multiple stories of love and honor set against the backdrop of Portuguese incursions into the Gulf in the 15th century to dominate trade routes. Copies of the book will be available at the User Services Desk.
Inspiring Individuals: Meet Hamad Al-Mataw'ah
In English
At this assembly series, you'll hear motivational stories from people who have excelled in their field. In this session, we'll get to know artist Hamad Al-Mataw'ah, a Qatari artist who has overcome color blindness to become a successful cartoonist.
IELTS Help is Here
In English
IELTS is an international assesment of your English proficiency, used in more than 100 countries. In this event, you'll discover free, open access resources that will help you pass the academic IELTS. The event will include practice exercises and videos. All levels of English speakers are invited.
Weekly Knitting and Crochet Circle
In English
Join this casual gathering of knitters and crocheters every Thursday in the Main Plaza from 9:00 – 11:00 AM to work on projects and share skills in a friendly atmosphere. Participants are welcome to bring their own supplies and projects or borrow the Library’s needles and yarn. All skill levels are welcome, including beginners who are interested in learning. Be sure to check out our collection of books on knitting and crochet while you’re here!
English Fiction Book Club: The Shadow of the Crescent Moon
In English
In this month's English Fiction Book Club, we will discuss The Shadow of the Crescent Moon, by Fatima Bhutto. The novel tracks three brothers in a Pakistani tribal town over the course of one fateful day. Copies of the book will be available at the User Services Desk.